Did you know…?
32% of users that find your site problematic are less likely to pay you for your service, and 57% of users say they won’t recommend a business with a poorly designed mobile website.
We support recent versions of all major browser engines for all applicable screen resolutions that fall within the defined minimum and maximum resolutions below.
By proxy of supporting the browser engines and screen resolutions above, we aim to support the following browsers and operating systems:
Chrome, Safari, Edge, Firefox, Common Chromium variants (Opera, Edge Insider, etc.)
Android (8+), iOS (13+), macOS (Catalina+), Windows 10 (latest)
Which browsers people are using, and relatively how many people are using them. Also, the reason why it’s so damn important that you have full coverage for Chrome, Safari, and Firefox:
Not all web browsers are equal, and not all of them are perfectly compatible with all code. Some companies who support these technologies intentionally refuse to solve incompatibilities that ensure them continued business. Unfortunately, this means you need to do more work to make sure your code is supported by all browsers. Not us!
Since 50% of ecommerce revenue comes from mobile devices, it’s more important than ever to ensure that your website is impeccable on mobile, and on a variety of browsers.
Data shows 75% of consumers admit to making judgements on a company’s credibility based on the company’s website design. Plain and simple: mobile matters.
Our prices guarantee compatibility on over 90% of all devices at 100% of applicable screen sizes.* What does that mean for you? It means that the 85% of people that believe the mobile version of your website should be better than your desktop will be S A T I S F I E D.
*Only certain screen sizes apply for certain mobile, proprietary, or industrial screen sizes.
**All clients are issued a contract at the time of service that outlines exact testing that will be done on their respective sites.